About us:
Introducing The Delphi Alliance, an alliance created for the sole purpose of providing a home to the guilds where the principles of no drama, support, friendship and entertaining gameplay prevail. The term Delphi is based on the ancient Greek temple of Delphi, where kings and warlords of the ancient world were seeking out an oracle for their future actions. Delphi has the same etymology as brother and brotherhood. In the ancient myths, Delphi was considered to be the centre of the world and was the most powerful oracle place of the ancient world. Its origins according to legends go back to the 5th millennium before our era.
What we offer to the alliance:
Created back in June 2016 The Delphi Alliance offers a lot of long-standing traditions combined with diversity and very high activity. We like our players to feel at home and enjoy their time in the game therefore we do not tolerate any toxic behaviour or drama.
❏ Highly geared players in both PvE and PVP with Forsaken Rebels being one of the most active guilds in-game, with swords just as active.
❏ High activity in all time zones.
❏ Knowledge about PvE and PVP builds.
❏ A drama-free environment to game in with dedicated leaders and officers.
❏ Explorers Boon is available in Forsaken Rebels II for the allies who don't have it in their Guild
Alliance philosophy and guidelines:
The primary goal of this alliance is to create a larger community of people with the same mentality and philosophy. Some simple rules of common sense will be introduced in the alliance based on the philosophy of respecting each guilds privacy.
• Each Guild can have their own rules. Each Guild retains the privilege to make its own recruits and set in-house conducts of behaviour.
• No recruiting between allied Guilds is allowed. If any member contact another officer/leader from a guild within the alliance, then the leader/officer must inform the other's guild leader. Only if both sides agree then someone can move between guilds.
• No drama and no trash talking in the alliance chat. Be respectful and no discussing about topics that can create conflicts and drama in the alliance chat such as religion, politics, gender. Alliance chat is the place to meet, chat and group up with people from around the world and have fun. If there is a problem with another alliance member, please contact your guild leader.
• Every Guild has the right to announce that its Stronghold map will be closed in case of a DF event (or any event) for the next X minutes. Stronghold Map instances cap at 40 people. If a Guild needs more people to organise a successful DF, a shout can be made in the alliance channel and if available, x numbers of players can join and help from other allied Guilds.
• When forming a group via Alliance chat it is forbidden to ask for a specific Item Level (IL) as a common courtesy to the less geared people within the alliance. Only exception, when people are forming groups for end game content each module. Current end game content: TOMM / Zariel Master / Crown of Keldegonn / HC VoS / Reaper's Challenge.
• Donating to allied coffers will be totally of everybody's free will. No rules about farming or donating will be made. Primary mentality is that we log in to this game to relax and hang out with friends and not to be farming slaves. If a Guild or a player has a spare of farming resources and wishes to share to allied coffers, then he is free to do so.
The Delphi Alliance is home to different international guilds and players from all over the world. Some of the guilds host players from all over the world while, others of our guilds host players from specific countries therefore in those guilds the language of the guild is the primary language while in alliance chat primary language is English.
Current Alliance Structure and guild leaders (persons of contact):
❖ Helm: Forsaken Rebels (GH-20)
❖ Sword: Veritas Vincit (GH-20) [International] - @telescopium, @hypocrith, @vermis434
➢ Gauntlet: Polish Domination (GH-20) [Poland] - @sunrine#4568, @lorun#2009
Black Lotus (GH-20) [International] - @sweetbreads,@badhandle#89124,@zlijaguar
➢ Gauntlet: Ф Sang Limite Ф (GH-20) [France] - @strangedays310
➢ Gauntlet: Saints of Hope (GH -20) [International] - @stormboundsoul
❖ Sword: Black Lotus (GH-20) [International] - @sweetbreads, @badhandle#89124, @zlijaguar, @deathklaat666
➢ Gauntlet: GrAvity X Game (GH-20) [Italy] - @vitami#3825, @dolcetrilly
➢ Gauntlet: Reborn Immortals (GH-20) [International] - @jonchilly
➢Gauntlet: Northern Legends (GH-20) [France] - @werdandi#8336,
@ethie#0793, @kreyre
❖ Sword: Infernal Blood (GH-20) [International] - @aphas#9250, @microboeb#2428
➢ Gauntlet: Legend's (GH-20) [International] - @play10#3349, @sonatazs#6242, @ilton#9636, @zumbinho, @ordepmaia
➢ Gauntlet: Hungarian Knights (GH-20) [Hungary] - @sonypeac, @sicvita#0735
➢ Gauntlet: жShinigamiж (GH-20) [Italy] - @sagitar
Total Alliance Level: 260
For more information about the alliance, you can contact us in-game
@frost4d, @bifflinculte
Come and join The Delphi Alliance and rebel with us!
GLHF and see you in-game :)