Ability Scores:
Gears: (AOE)
Gear ST
Stats in Combat
Stats with Daily
● Utility Slots : Azures
● Offense Slots : Tacticals + 1 Tenebrous
● Defense Slots : Tacticals
● Armor Enchantment : Eclipse
● Weapon Enchantment : Dread
● 4 x Major Hitpoints Armor kits +1
● 4 x Major Stamina Regen Jewel kits +1
Weapon Modification Main Hand: Enhanced Challenger’s Slash
Weapon Modification Main Hand: Stamina Regen & Enhanced Health
● Caprese
● Crafted Potion of Deflet Rank 4, +1
● Elixir of Steadfast Devotion
● Sambocade
Campaign and Guild Boons:
Mounts, Insignia bonuses, Collars:
Insignias: Mix of Fortitude, Dominance, Skill and Aggression Insignias.
Collars: At will %, Crit Sev, Stamina Regen, movement speed, Ad.
Companions and Companion gear:
● 4x Arcane Runestones
● 2x Enigmatic Runestones
Powers, Feats, Rotations:
AOE Rotation: Use punishing charge for mobility and to lunge at the pack of mobs - Use Primal Instinct daily if available to proc the helm and draw in the mobs - use come and get it for further draw in and take aggro if someone else have it - TAB to activate Unstoppable - Spam Primal Fury when u have enough rage - Keep using Challenger’s Slash as your main at will and animation cancel sentinel’s slash to gain AP.
ST Rotation: Use Savage Advance daily to initiate the fight - Use sentinel’s slash once to proc the 1st feat - take the 1st hit to proc manticore - use block and drain your stamina under 50 % - Use primal fury - this way we have gain a huge threat lead to maintain initial aggro - Use TAB to go unstoppable - IBS - then keep using primal fury under low stamina to keep gaining threat - use sentinel’s slash every 10 sec to keep increased threat up - keep using challenger’s slash as main at will.
● U can gain fast AP generation by animation cancelling your sentinel's slash by shift. So, by spamming rmb + shift u can get full daily in about 15 - 20 sec )
● Eclipse armor enchant synergizes very well with unstoppable with rage and rally feat so it's a very good armor enchant for sentinels.
● Once u are solid with aggro, u can swap IBS with enduring shout or Ignore Weakness.
● When in unstoppable u can use takedown encounter power to buff ur allies by increasing the physical dmg the target takes by 10 %. But, however the game considers this, commander’s strike from GF and wicked reminder from TR the same power, so It will overwrite each other when used at the same time.
● The 4th down feat undying instinct is great in hc vos’s mini bosses or during phase 4 of zariel. So using it puts a 3 min long cooldown on primal instinct daily but it doesn’t let ur health go down below 1 hp for 10 secs when u use the daily.
If there are any queries about this, u can contact me in-game – porky@lucariostar#9042. Happy to help ^^