reinforced: 1 crit serv, 1 power, and 2 crit strike weapon modification: power, AP, and for sure blessing of light
if I think or feel that the tank or DPS need more healing I swap to

I need both power auras, so if I have only 1 in my party I swap 1 jade with garnet (both give the same power) and the overloads are always different (but you don't need devils precision)

Collars: OGH, AP Gain, At-Will, Incoming heal, and gold

summoned you can swap for whatever you need (scorp, tutor, drizzt or what ever you wish.

I think here everything is standard on first.

For second boss tos I have different feats and the red dragon is the AP gain one.

invocation blessing I go on crit strike mount I use always one of the both auras (runic or mystic)

I don't need to show stats, I can say that power, crit serv cap, and crit strike, and OGH over 80%, more you don't need I'm an assimar and ability full WIS and CHA.
For any questions:
in-game: @kimara#6327
discord: @Kim#9603
